
Entity Definition

Logical Name : PartyIdentification
Physical Name : PA_IDTN

An official number that may be used to identify a Party. People have multiple forms of such identification: Drivers License number , Passport number, Insurance group and policy numbers, etc. Note that PartyIdentification could also apply to social security number, credit/debit accounts but these should never be retained by a retailer except where explicitly permitted for tax or regulatory purposes.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
PartyID (FK)(PK) A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY Identity integer Party(PA_PRTY)
PartyIdentificationTypeCode (FK)(PK) A code denoting a form of identification that the customer uses to identify themselves. TY_PRTY_ID Code2 char(2) PartyIdentificationType(PA_TYP_IDTN)
EffectiveDate (FK) The datea person's name is effective. DT_EF EffectiveDate date PersonName(PA_NM)
PersonPartyID (FK) A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY_PRS Identity integer PersonName(PA_NM)
AddressID (FK) A unique system allocated identifier for the Address that was printed on the PartyIdentification. ID_ADS Identity integer Address(LO_ADS)
ExternalPartyIdentificationProviderID (FK) A retailer assigned code denoting the official body that issued the PartyIdentification to the Party. ID_PA_PVR_EXTRN Identity integer ExternalPartyIdentificationProvider(PA_PVR_EXTRN_IDTN)
Identifier The number on the Identification that identifies the Party. LU_ID_PRTY Identity integer
IssueDate The date the Identification was issued DC_ISS DateCalendar date
ExpirationDate The date after which the identification is no longer valid. DC_ID_PRTY_EP ExpirationDate date


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ExternalPartyIdentificationProvider provides PartyIdentification
Address is captured from PartyIdentification
PersonName is captured from PartyIdentification
Party is identified using PartyIdentification
PartyIdentificationType categorizes PartyIdentification
PartyIdentification is used in TenderLineItemCustomerVerification

Logical Views containing PartyIdentification

Logical View
Logical 02330 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Macro View
Logical 02336 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Authorization View
Logical 02350 - Retail Transaction - Restriction Validation View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View
Logical 06330 - Party - Identification View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended